Beautiful, Beautiful 2016

Well, hello 2016!  You have no idea how good it is to see you!

This is the start of my blog.  It will be eclectic – one I have created to have a chance to express myself – but you are more than welcome to join me.

That said, my current situation is this: I have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  So I am not kidding in the least when I say I am delighted to see 2016.  There is a lot more to it (such as the markers being triple negative) but more on that later.  I was diagnosed at the end of October and we have been on a whirlwind ride since that time, hoping to see a little routine re-enter our lives.

Many people reading this will already know that I was in the hospital for a week right before Christmas, and that it was a tremendously beneficial stay.  MD Anderson is truly amazing.

For now, I am sharing the email I sent out to our friends at the start of this, which, though outdated, still best reflects our experience at the time and our general intention, attitude and focus as we move through this.

Hello Dear Friends.

I realize people are wanting to know what is going on in the McMurrey household these days, specifically as it relates to the state of my health, and understandably so. We have been inundated at warp speed with an overwhelming array of information, much of it not to our liking.

We have spent the last two weeks going to multiple doctor appointments and having multiple diagnostic tests performed – often several on the same day. I have also now received one chemotherapy treatment. It has taken us time to wrap our heads around all of these experiences given the rapidity with which this situation has unfolded.

As some of you may have already heard, I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. Others have asked about the PET scan. It does show some lesions on the bones, but the doctors are confident in the efficacy of the drugs we will be using and that they will shrink the tumors. It appears at this point, I will be doing chemo once a week for an extended period of time.

The girls and their husbands as well as Charlie have been amazing. Laura was up from Corpus all week, which was really nice. Anna has been her usual, efficient, baby-whispering getting-it-all-done self. Both have been excellent chauffeurs and companions. I couldn’t ask for more loving and responsible daughters (all while parenting multiple toddlers. Impressive!)

Thank you Chrys for watching Caden so the girls, who really wanted to meet the doctors with us, could go. That was very important to all of us. (The three of us wore superhero shirts with detachable capes to the appointment. They chose Wonder Woman for me.)

I am up for answering questions and will get back to you – texting is probably quickest way to reach me (but I LOVE, love love your cards and phone calls as well!) I do very much enjoy hearing from you – phone # is 281-414-0273.

Here is what I believe: events in life are presented to us in order for us to move through them using the extraordinary, God-given gifts of awareness, love & compassion. I also believe – I know – that they are the most powerful forces in the Universe. They are the trump card. I am surrounded by such an astonishing array and depth of love with our family & extended family and from all of you. You have absolutely no idea how much your concerns and prayers have meant to us and to me. Literally, I feel lifted and buoyed by them. You are amazing.

And so – I invite you with me on this journey if you are so inclined. I invite you to simply hold a space of Awareness & Love, and to know that we are all in that space together when attention is focused there. Awareness changes things. Loving awareness changes things toward the positive. There is simply no other way it can go.

I love you all.

Annette & the McClan

So there you have it.  It has been quite a ride so far, to say the least.  More to come.  Much has happened since that initial email.

Love you all,


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